Dim wb(1 To 2) As Workbook, SN As String, SNN As Integer
Dim Customer As String '料號的變數名稱
Set wb(1) = ThisWorkbook
Set wb(2) = Workbooks.Open(Worksheets("路徑區").Cells(3, 3) & "\" & Worksheets("路徑區").Cells(3, 2))
'For this example click References on the Tools Menu, and select the (在這個例子中單擊工具菜單上的引用,然後選擇)
'Microsoft Powerpoint 9.0 object libraries.
Dim Ppt As Object, pres As Object
Dim SlideTitle As String
'Create a Microsoft PowerPoint session(創建一個Microsoft PowerPoint演示會議)
Set Ppt = CreateObject("powerpoint.application")
'Make PowerPoint visible(讓PowerPoint中可見)
Ppt.Visible = True
'Activate PowerPoint (啟動PowerPoint中)
AppActivate Ppt.Name
'Open a new document in Microsoft PowerPoint(打開Microsoft PowerPoint中一個新的文檔)
' Set pres = Ppt.Presentations.Add
Set pres = Ppt.Presentations.Open(Worksheets("路徑區").Cells(2, 3) & "\" & Worksheets("路徑區").Cells(2, 2)) '開啟ppt檔的路徑
Dim activeSlide As PowerPoint.Slide
Dim cht As Excel.ChartObject
'Loop through each chart in the Excel worksheet and paste them into the PowerPoint
For Each cht In wb(2).Worksheets(Customer).ChartObjects
' 'Add a new slide where we will paste the chart(添加新的幻燈片,我們將粘貼圖表)
' 'ppLayout型態有..ppLayoutTitleOnly、ppLayoutText、ppLayoutText、ppLayoutChart、ppLayoutTitle(畫面最前主頁封面)
Ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides.Add Ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutTitleOnly
Ppt.ActiveWindow.View.GotoSlide Ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count
Set activeSlide = Ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides(Ppt.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count)
Loop Until cd >= wb(1).Worksheets("分頁清單").[a65536].End(3).Row
AppActivate ("Microsoft PowerPoint")
Set activeSlide = Nothing
Set Ppt = Nothing
Set pres = Nothing
wb(2).Close True
Set wb(1) = Nothing
Set wb(2) = Nothing作者: stillfish00 時間: 2015-4-22 10:31