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標題: 載入歷年股利政策 [打印本頁]

作者: pupai    時間: 2013-9-18 13:16     標題: 載入歷年股利政策

作者: GBKEE    時間: 2013-9-19 10:47

回復 1# pupai
  1. Option Explicit
  2. Const 資訊 = "個股資訊"
  3. Const 主表 = "查詢表"
  4. Sub 載入全部數據()
  5.     Dim Rng As Range, e As Range
  6.     With Sheets(主表)
  7.         .Range(.[a4], .[a4].End(xlDown)).Offset(, 1).Resize(, 11) = ""
  8.         For Each e In .Range(.[a4], .[a4].End(xlDown))
  9.             數據 e
  10.         Next
  11.      End With
  12. End Sub
  13. Sub 載入個股數據()
  14.     數據 ActiveCell
  15.     ActiveCell.Resize(, 12).Select
  16. End Sub
  17. Private Sub 數據(xRng As Range)
  18.     Dim xUrl As String
  19.      If xRng.Parent.Name <> 主表 Then MsgBox "請選擇 " & 主表 & " 的個股編號 範圍  ": Exit Sub
  20.      With Sheets(主表)
  21.         If Intersect(.Range(.[a4], .[a4].End(xlDown)), xRng) Is Nothing Then MsgBox "請選擇 " & 主表 & " 的個股編號 範圍  ": Exit Sub
  22.     End With
  23.     xUrl = "URL;" & xRng & ".html"
  24.     With Sheets(資訊)
  25.         If .QueryTables.Count <> 0 Then
  26.             .QueryTables(1).Connection = xUrl
  27.         Else
  28.         .QueryTables.Add xUrl, .[A1]
  29.         End If
  30.         With .QueryTables(1)
  31.             .WebSelectionType = xlSpecifiedTables
  32.             .WebTables = "7,10"
  33.             .Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
  34.             xRng.Cells(1, 2) = Replace(Split(.ResultRange.Cells(1, 1), " ")(0), xRng, "")
  35.             xRng.Cells(1, 3).Resize(, 10) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(.ResultRange.Cells(6, 6).Resize(10))
  36.             xRng.Cells(1, 3).Resize(, 10).NumberFormatLocal = "G/通用格式"
  37.         End With
  38.     End With
  39.     Beep
  40. End Sub

作者: pupai    時間: 2013-9-19 13:28

回復 2# GBKEE

作者: pupai    時間: 2013-9-19 13:30

  1. Sub 載入數據_全部()
  2. Dim y&, Ym&
  3. Set MySht = Sheets("查詢表")
  4. y = MySht.[A65536].End(xlUp).Row:  If y < 4 Then Exit Sub
  5. MySht.[B4:IV65536].ClearContents
  6. MySht.[A2] = ">>>>>資料載入中,請稍候......"
  7. Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  8. For Each uRng In MySht.Range("A4:A" & y)
  9.     Ym = Ym + 1
  10.     Application.StatusBar = "■■■執行數據載入中." & Ym & "/" & y - 3
  11.     If uRng <> "" Then Call 取得個股資訊
  12. Next
  13. MySht.Select
  14. Application.StatusBar = False
  15. MySht.[A2] = ""
  16. Call 個股資訊格式設定: Beep
  17. End Sub

  18. Sub 載入數據_個股()
  19. Set MySht = Sheets("查詢表")
  20. Set uRng = ActiveCell
  21. If uRng.Row < 4 Or uRng.Column > 1 Or uRng = "" Then
  22.    MsgBox "※請先選取個股編號!":   Exit Sub
  23. End If
  24. Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  25. Call 取得個股資訊: Call 個股資訊格式設定
  26. If GetInfo = "ERR" Then uRng(1, 2) = "《無資料》"
  27. MySht.Select
  28. Beep
  29. End Sub

  30. Sub 查看個股資訊()
  31. Set MySht = Sheets("查詢表")
  32. Set uRng = ActiveCell
  33. If uRng.Row < 4 Or uRng.Column > 1 Or uRng = "" Then
  34.    MsgBox "※請先選取個股編號!":   Exit Sub
  35. End If
  36. Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  37. Call 匯入文字檔: Call 個股資訊格式設定
  38. If GetInfo = "ERR" Then uRng(1, 2) = "《無資料》"
  39. End Sub

  40. Sub 匯入文字檔()
  41. Dim uObj As Object, uFF As Object
  42. GetInfo = ""
  43. uFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\TextFile\" & uRng.Text & ".txt"
  44. If Dir(uFile) = "" Then GetInfo = "ERR": Exit Sub
  45. Set uObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  46. Set uFF = uObj.OpenTextFile(uFile)
  47. XMLText = uFF.Readall: uFF.Close:  Call 放入剪貼簿
  48. With Sheets("個股資訊")
  49.      Application.Goto .[A1], True:  .Cells.Clear
  50.      .[B1].Select: .Paste: [B1].Select
  51.      .[B1].Replace " *", "", Lookat:=xlPart
  52. End With
  53. End Sub

  54. Sub 個股資訊格式設定()
  55. With Sheets("個股資訊").UsedRange
  56.      .Borders.LineStyle = 1:  .ColumnWidth = 13: .RowHeight = 13.5
  57.      .Font.Size = 10: .Font.Name = "新明細體": .WrapText = False
  58. End With
  59. End Sub

  60. Sub 取得個股資訊()
  61. Dim fRng As Range, uTxt$, i&, j&, Jm%, xR As Range, xC%
  62. uRng(1, 2).Resize(1, 40).ClearContents
  63. xC = MySht.[IV3].End(xlToLeft).Column: If xC = 1 Then Exit Sub
  64. Set WebSht = Sheets("個股資訊")
  65. Call 匯入文字檔
  66. If GetInfo = "ERR" Then uRng(1, 2) = "《無資料》": Exit Sub
  67. If InStr(WebSht.[B1], uRng) = 0 Then uRng(1, 2) = "《無資料》": Exit Sub
  68. '-----------------------------------------
  69. uRng(1, 2).Value = WebSht.[B1]
  70. uRng(1, 2).Replace uRng, ""
  71. '-----------------------------------------
  72. For j = 3 To xC
  73.     uTxt = MySht.Cells(3, j): If uTxt = "" Then GoTo 101
  74.     Set fRng = WebSht.Cells.Find(uTxt, Lookat:=xlPart)
  75.     If fRng Is Nothing Then GoTo 101
  76.     If uTxt = "現金股利" Or uTxt = "合計" Then
  77.        uRng(1, j).Resize(1, 4).Value = Application.Transpose(fRng(2, 2).Resize(4, 1).Value)
  78.     ElseIf uTxt = "每股淨值" Then
  79.        With uRng(1, j): .Value = fRng: .Replace "每股淨值:* ", "": End With
  80.     Else
  81.        uRng(1, j) = fRng(1, 6)
  82.     End If
  83. 101: Next j
  84. '-----------------------------------------
  85. uRng(1, 6).Resize(1, xC).Replace "元", ""
  86. End Sub

  87. Sub 放入剪貼簿() '將取得文字放入剪貼簿
  88. '〔剪貼簿〕設定引用項目 Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library
  89. Dim DOB As New DataObject
  90. With DOB: .Clear: .SetText XMLText: .PutInClipboard: End With
  91. End Sub

  92. Sub 清除()
  93. If MsgBox("※確定要清除全部內容嗎?", 4 + 32 + 256) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
  94. [B4:IV65536].ClearContents
  95. End Sub

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